Abyssale Intelligence (AI)

Where AI meets
creative production

Our AI tools help you design, adapt, and scale while maintaining creative control.

14 day free trial - no credit card required

Trusted by top global agencies in the world
Cynapsis logo darkSpringbok logo darkSolocal logo darkDoyle dane Bernach logo darkMediakeys logo dark

Meet our
AI-powered features

Everything you need to design visual marketing assets.

AI Background

Use once or automate for every variation. Our AI precisely removes backgrounds on demand or as part of your production workflow, maintaining perfect quality at any scale.
Start creating with AI

Smart Format Adaptation

Design once, adapt everywhere automatically. Our AI understands your layout and intelligently reorganizes elements to fit any format you need.

AI Text Translation

Break language barriers effortlessly. Generate multilingual versions of your designs with AI-powered translation that respects your layouts.

AI Auto-Focus

Our AI detection models analyze and identify every element in your images - people, products, scenery, and more. Select which subjects matter most to your design, and let our AI maintain that focus consistently across all your variations.
Start creating with AI
Rated 4.8/5 by our customers

Discover their testimonials and reviews

This tool has been a game-changer for generating multiple image sizes in no time. Whether it's for contests or various campaigns, Abyssale has made our design process incredibly smooth and versatile!

Bastien C

Webdesigner @Groupe Sudmedia

Creating banners has never been easier! We found an HTML5 creation tool with incredible functionality at an affordable price. It's like we've discovered the holy grail of banner design!

Stefan H

SEM Manager @Condor Flugdienst

We're offering a full scale of assets - manual, CSV, and via API - all in one platform. It's not just a tool; it's our entire creative ecosystem! Sure, the UI can be a bit quirky sometimes, but the flexibility makes up for everything.

Christophe M

AI/Automation Tech Lead @Springbok

We've empowered our marketing team to become completely autonomous in asset creation. By pushing them to create their own visuals, we've transformed our entire creative process. The communication with Abyssale's team has been phenomenal!

Flore L

Creative Resource Manager @BackMarket

This is more than just a tool - it's a total game-changer! The HTML5 animation capabilities are incredible, being able to set brand presets is a designer's dream. The support team? They're absolute heroes - always there, always helpful.

Agne N

Design Manager @PEI Group

An amazing tool that's just... well, amazingly easy to use! Integration has never been smoother. It's like the tool was built with simplicity as its core principle.

Wala T

Backend Engineer @MyJobGlasses

Imagine being able to create marketing visuals at the speed of thought - that's Abyssale for you! It's not just a tool, it's a creative accelerator that helps businesses look phenomenal without the traditional design headaches.

Dimitris T

Ecommerce Specialist @Leroy Merlin

Sometimes, you just need a great tool to generate dynamic images quickly. Abyssale does exactly that - no fuss, no complications, just pure efficiency!

David D

CEO @Polar Analytics

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<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_215_5184)"> <path d="M10.2014 11.1368C10.3494 12.5197 11.4616 13.6319 12.8438 13.786C13.8705 13.9004 14.9246 13.9987 15.9993 13.9987C17.0741 13.9987 18.1282 13.9004 19.1549 13.786C20.5371 13.6319 21.6493 12.5197 21.7973 11.1368C21.9065 10.1159 21.9987 9.06787 21.9987 7.99935C21.9987 6.93085 21.9065 5.88277 21.7973 4.86191C21.6493 3.47903 20.5371 2.36679 19.1549 2.21272C18.1282 2.09829 17.0741 2 15.9993 2C14.9246 2 13.8705 2.09829 12.8438 2.21272C11.4616 2.36679 10.3494 3.47903 10.2014 4.86191C10.0922 5.88277 10 6.93085 10 7.99935C10 9.06787 10.0922 10.1159 10.2014 11.1368Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M2.20145 27.1388C2.3494 28.5216 3.46165 29.634 4.84384 29.7879C5.8705 29.9023 6.92462 30.0007 7.99935 30.0007C9.0741 30.0007 10.1282 29.9023 11.1549 29.7879C12.5371 29.634 13.6493 28.5216 13.7973 27.1388C13.9065 26.1179 13.9987 25.0698 13.9987 24.0013C13.9987 22.9328 13.9065 21.8847 13.7973 20.8639C13.6493 19.481 12.5371 18.3688 11.1549 18.2147C10.1282 18.1002 9.0741 18.002 7.99935 18.002C6.92462 18.002 5.8705 18.1002 4.84384 18.2147C3.46165 18.3688 2.3494 19.481 2.20145 20.8639C2.09223 21.8847 2 22.9328 2 24.0013C2 25.0698 2.09223 26.1179 2.20145 27.1388Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M18.2014 27.1388C18.3494 28.5216 19.4616 29.634 20.8438 29.7879C21.8705 29.9023 22.9246 30.0007 23.9994 30.0007C25.0741 30.0007 26.1283 29.9023 27.1549 29.7879C28.5372 29.634 29.6493 28.5216 29.7972 27.1388C29.9065 26.1179 29.9988 25.0698 29.9988 24.0013C29.9988 22.9328 29.9065 21.8847 29.7972 20.8639C29.6493 19.481 28.5372 18.3688 27.1549 18.2147C26.1283 18.1002 25.0741 18.002 23.9994 18.002C22.9246 18.002 21.8705 18.1002 20.8438 18.2147C19.4616 18.3688 18.3494 19.481 18.2014 20.8639C18.0922 21.8847 18 22.9328 18 24.0013C18 25.0698 18.0922 26.1179 18.2014 27.1388Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_215_5184"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>


Organize all your creative projects in one place. Track progress, manage resources, and stay on track.
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QR Code

Generate dynamic QR codes that update in real-time. Perfect for contactless menus, tickets, and more...
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_215_5007)"> <path d="M11.4125 5.40316C10.407 4.39764 10.2514 3.47523 9.52092 2.54571C8.94911 1.8181 7.86658 1.8181 7.29477 2.54571C6.5643 3.47523 6.40867 4.39764 5.40315 5.40316C4.39763 6.40866 3.47522 6.56431 2.54571 7.29476C1.8181 7.86657 1.8181 8.94912 2.54571 9.52093C3.47522 10.2514 4.39759 10.4071 5.40308 11.4126C6.40858 12.418 6.56424 13.3405 7.29468 14.27C7.86649 14.9976 8.94904 14.9976 9.52085 14.27C10.2513 13.3405 10.407 12.418 11.4125 11.4126C12.418 10.407 13.3404 10.2514 14.2699 9.52093C14.9975 8.94912 14.9975 7.86657 14.2699 7.29476C13.3404 6.56431 12.418 6.40866 11.4125 5.40316Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M25.0677 16.3579C23.6104 14.9005 23.3846 13.5636 22.326 12.2164C21.4972 11.1618 19.9282 11.1618 19.0995 12.2164C18.0407 13.5636 17.8151 14.9005 16.3578 16.3579C14.9004 17.8152 13.5635 18.0408 12.2163 19.0995C11.1617 19.9283 11.1617 21.4973 12.2163 22.3261C13.5635 23.3847 14.9004 23.6103 16.3577 25.0676C17.815 26.525 18.0406 27.8621 19.0993 29.2092C19.9281 30.2638 21.4971 30.2638 22.3259 29.2092C23.3846 27.8621 23.6101 26.525 25.0675 25.0676C26.5248 23.6103 27.8619 23.3847 29.2091 22.3261C30.2637 21.4973 30.2637 19.9283 29.2091 19.0995C27.8619 18.0408 26.5251 17.8152 25.0677 16.3579Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_215_5007"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Abyssale AI

Enhance creative assets with AI-powered background removal, text translations, and more...
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_215_4971)"> <path d="M2.39693 23.3646C2.74406 26.6108 5.35359 29.2218 8.59652 29.5833C13.5777 30.1388 18.4222 30.1388 23.4034 29.5833C26.6464 29.2218 29.2558 26.6108 29.603 23.3646C30.1323 18.4155 30.1323 13.5845 29.603 8.63522C29.2558 5.38911 26.6464 2.77829 23.4034 2.41663C18.4222 1.86112 13.5777 1.86112 8.59652 2.41663C5.35359 2.77829 2.74406 5.38911 2.39693 8.63522C1.86769 13.5845 1.86769 18.4155 2.39693 23.3646Z" stroke="#0A363A" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M29.6673 9.24029H2.33398C2.35484 9.03816 2.37608 8.83647 2.3976 8.63523C2.74472 5.38911 5.35425 2.77829 8.59718 2.41663C13.5784 1.86112 18.4229 1.86112 23.404 2.41663C26.6471 2.77829 29.2567 5.38911 29.6036 8.63523C29.6251 8.83647 29.6464 9.03816 29.6673 9.24029Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M18.418 19.0625H24.4018" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M8.89648 23.594C10.709 22.6878 12.5216 20.8752 13.4279 19.0627C12.5216 17.2501 10.709 15.4375 8.89648 14.5312" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_215_4971"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>


Automate image, video, PDF, HTML5, GIF creation in your services using our powerful Abyssale API.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_215_5204)"> <path d="M18.1719 10.3236V7.94789C18.1719 6.09221 19.6762 4.58789 21.5319 4.58789H26.6397C28.4953 4.58789 29.9997 6.09221 29.9997 7.94789V10.3236C29.9997 12.1793 28.4953 13.6836 26.6397 13.6836H21.5319C19.6762 13.6836 18.1719 12.1793 18.1719 10.3236Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M24.0859 2V4.58733" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M21.8203 8.75V9.52287" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M26.3516 8.75V9.52287" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M2.1969 4.79727C2.34151 3.44564 3.42863 2.3585 4.77964 2.20792C5.78309 2.09606 6.81342 2 7.86389 2C8.91433 2 9.94467 2.09606 10.9481 2.20792C12.2991 2.3585 13.3862 3.44564 13.5309 4.79727C13.6376 5.79508 13.7278 6.8195 13.7278 7.86387C13.7278 8.90827 13.6376 9.93267 13.5309 10.9305C13.3862 12.2821 12.2991 13.3693 10.9481 13.5198C9.94467 13.6317 8.91433 13.7278 7.86389 13.7278C6.81342 13.7278 5.78309 13.6317 4.77961 13.5198C3.42863 13.3693 2.34151 12.2821 2.1969 10.9305C2.09015 9.93267 2 8.90827 2 7.86387C2 6.8195 2.09015 5.79508 2.1969 4.79727Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M2.1969 21.0697C2.34151 19.7181 3.42863 18.631 4.77964 18.4804C5.78309 18.3685 6.81342 18.2725 7.86389 18.2725C8.91433 18.2725 9.94467 18.3685 10.9481 18.4804C12.2991 18.631 13.3862 19.7181 13.5309 21.0697C13.6376 22.0676 13.7278 23.0921 13.7278 24.1363C13.7278 25.1806 13.6376 26.2052 13.5309 27.2029C13.3862 28.5545 12.2991 29.6418 10.9481 29.7923C9.94467 29.9041 8.91433 30.0002 7.86389 30.0002C6.81342 30.0002 5.78309 29.9041 4.77961 29.7923C3.42863 29.6418 2.34151 28.5545 2.1969 27.2029C2.09015 26.2052 2 25.1806 2 24.1363C2 23.0921 2.09015 22.0676 2.1969 21.0697Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M18.4665 21.0697C18.6111 19.7181 19.6982 18.631 21.0492 18.4804C22.0526 18.3685 23.0831 18.2725 24.1334 18.2725C25.184 18.2725 26.2141 18.3685 27.2176 18.4804C28.5686 18.631 29.6559 19.7181 29.8004 21.0697C29.9072 22.0676 29.9973 23.0921 29.9973 24.1363C29.9973 25.1806 29.9072 26.2052 29.8004 27.2029C29.6559 28.5545 28.5686 29.6418 27.2176 29.7923C26.2141 29.9041 25.184 30.0002 24.1334 30.0002C23.0831 30.0002 22.0526 29.9041 21.0492 29.7923C19.6982 29.6418 18.611 28.5545 18.4665 27.2029C18.3597 26.2052 18.2695 25.1806 18.2695 24.1363C18.2695 23.0921 18.3597 22.0676 18.4665 21.0697Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_215_5204"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Quick Generation

Generate and download variations instantly. No design skills or editor access required.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_215_5023)"> <path d="M28.9243 21.799C30.3595 22.6669 30.3599 23.9139 28.9174 24.779C27.506 25.6253 26.0316 26.4888 24.359 27.2918C22.6866 28.0949 20.8879 28.8025 19.125 29.4803C17.3233 30.1727 14.7256 30.1724 12.918 29.4836C11.1395 28.8056 9.32206 28.0989 7.64096 27.2918C5.95987 26.4847 4.48756 25.612 3.07563 24.7584C1.64052 23.8906 1.64007 22.6434 3.08261 21.7784M28.9243 14.794C30.3595 15.6618 30.3599 16.909 28.9174 17.7739C27.506 18.6203 26.0316 19.4838 24.359 20.2868C22.6866 21.0897 20.8879 21.7975 19.125 22.4751C17.3233 23.1678 14.7256 23.1675 12.918 22.4785C11.1395 21.8006 9.32206 21.0938 7.64096 20.2867C5.95987 19.4796 4.48756 18.6071 3.07563 17.7533C1.64052 16.8854 1.64007 15.6383 3.08261 14.7733M3.08261 7.22096C1.64007 8.08596 1.64052 9.33306 3.07563 10.2009C4.48756 11.0547 5.95987 11.9273 7.64096 12.7343C9.32206 13.5414 11.1395 14.2483 12.918 14.9261C14.7256 15.6151 17.3233 15.6153 19.125 14.9228C20.8879 14.2451 22.6866 13.5373 24.359 12.7344C26.0316 11.9315 27.506 11.0679 28.9174 10.2216C30.3599 9.35655 30.3595 8.10946 28.9243 7.24162C27.5125 6.3878 26.0401 5.51525 24.359 4.70818C22.6779 3.90109 20.8604 3.19425 19.082 2.5164C17.2743 1.82742 14.6767 1.8272 12.875 2.51975C11.112 3.19739 9.31335 3.90521 7.6409 4.70813C5.96843 5.51106 4.49408 6.3746 3.08261 7.22096Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_215_5023"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>


Mass-produce marketing creative assets by combining your designs with spreadsheet data.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the free trial work?

  • Static formats (JPG, PNG, static,PDF) use 1 credit per generation
  • Video and animated formats (MP4, animated GIF, HTML5) use 1 credit per second (e.g., a 5-second animated GIF uses 5 credits)
  • Credits are consumed when generating visuals through Spreadsheet generation, Dynamic image URLs, or automated creation via Zapier, Make, Airtable, and our API
  • Choose your plan based on your estimated monthly generation needs

What are Generation Credits and how do they work?

  • Static formats (JPG, PNG, static,PDF) use 1 credit per generation
  • Video and animated formats (MP4, animated GIF, HTML5) use 1 credit per second (e.g., a 5-second animated GIF uses 5 credits)
  • Credits are consumed when generating visuals through Spreadsheet generation, Dynamic image URLs, or automated creation via Zapier, Make, Airtable, and our API
  • Choose your plan based on your estimated monthly generation needs

What happens if I run out of credits during automation?


Do all API requests count as consumed credits?


What is Abyssale Intelligence (AI) and is there an extra cost?


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