Real estate flyer templates
Real estate flyer templates

Real estate flyers are flyers used by listing agents to present a property for sale / rent. It usually gather the most important informations about a house or an appartement : its price of course, but also square feets, photos, description, contact information, location …etc.

The design of the real estate flyer template will depends on the characteristics of the property you want to highlight the most. For some agents it is the price, for other the square feets or even just the pictures. You’ll see a lot real estate flyers that are made to be printed on paper (classical ones) but there is also some that are a web version designed to be relayed on social media. Those ones are often more minimalists, presenting the picture and the price or location. Their goal is to raise interest so that the visitor wants to know more about it and can find more details in the description of the post.

Why use real estate flyer?
Real estate flyer has proven itself really useful for a lot of successful agents!
- First of all it increases online & offline visibility : in fact you can create a flyer in multiple formats put it online and print it, this will raise awareness around your listing, your agency and yourself as an agent.
- Win new leads: From passers-by to active searchers to customers of local businesses, increasing your visibility also mathematically increases your chances of getting new leads.
- Take advantage of word-of-mouth : and even if the persons directly exposed to your flyer might not be searching for a property, they can know someone who is. People might be randomly talking about a property they saw with their friends or family and from people to people you gently extend your audience.
- Sums-up best sales arguments in one page: making a real estate flyer also forces you to do the exercise of summarizing the property bests assets in a one-page format. Which will be really useful for agents when presenting the house during a house tour , an open house or on the phone with potential clients.
- The opportunity to differentiate : real estate flyers also allows you to get creative with the design as well as with the diffusion format. You can be original and stand out! For exemple on windows, agencies who chose to display their most recent listings on their windows have several ways to do so. They can use print flyers as well as led tv to display the digital format!

In addition of serving different business and marketing goals, Real estate flyers also serve different promotion types, it can be used to :
-promote a property
-promote an open house
-promote an agency

What makes the best real estate flyers ?
Like everything that is for the public eye, it is important to do this right. Even if it can seem a little overwhelming at first, here is a few tips to help you produce a qualitative real estate flyer template:
Say enough, not too much :
The goal of the flyer is to raise interest and makes the prospective buyer wants to know more about the property details. Raising interest is a fine art that consists in finding the right balance between saying enough to peak the person interest but not too much to still make them want to contact you. It is just like trailer for a movie! Also for people to actually read your flyer and grasp the important informations of it you have to be careful with the number of words. Readers attention is quite short. According to inspiration agency the recommended amount is 200 words on one side.
Quality is everything :
The second most important thing is the quality of your flyer. A bad quality might not send the right message about the property or the agency. Just imagine a luxury property sell on a poor quality flyer! It can easily makes you look cheap. For this the picture is the first element to look after. Choose professional photography with qualitative rendering. Also the flyer in itself should be in a high resolution (a minimum of 300 pixels is recommended)
Pay attention to the structure & elements :
It is crucial that your flyer stays easy-to-read. For this it has to have a clear structure, that order and prioritize the important elements. It induces a reflexion about what you want to highlight the most (price, location, pictures, listing agent) and then about how your layout will look like to fit your goals.
Stand out !
Design, formats, fonts, colors … you can play with all of that to differentiate your flyer. These elements are also a way to retranscribe you agency’s graphic chart and standardize all of your flyers. If you wish to create a template that you’ll use later for other listings, make sure you design it with a long term vision and choose something that works for this property but also for others. Same thing goes for the margins and the size of the zones for your differents elements. The most used color for real estate flyer is blue this color is requested for over 50% of real estate logos in the US (99 designs). It retranscribe commonly accepted values of trust, money, and long-lasting relationship. In real estate we also see a lot of red , black , green and orange (in this exact order of proportion, according to design mantic). You can then choose to go with the norm and stand out with other elements or go against the mainstream by making a different choice from what we are used seeing.
Don’t forget the CTA
Like for any commercial flyer do not forget the CTA! Whether it is online or offline your flyer should have one goal! make them contact you! Fill an information paper, reach your office, book an appointment, go to your open house … write clearly what you expect from your target and highlight it! If you want them to directly contact you put out clearly your preferred communication channel , email /phone number. If you are using the same template for different purposes the call-to-action can be changed easily and you can even create different version of your template according to it.
Extend the experience to other channels
Speaking about CTA, one really great way to do it is to invite your readers to extend the experience on other channels. If your real estate flyer template is destined to be on paper you can slide a QR code to give access to the online listing with more information , or a link to your calendly to book an appointment, to your email address … On the other hand, if your flyer is already online you can invite people to talk with you on a chat, go to your website, book an appointment, fill in their informations …
How to design a real estate flyer template?
Log into your Abyssale account and create a new template.
You can do it from scratch or choose one from the Template library : Public template > Real estate > Use this template
Then choose the right format for your flyer by going on your left side bar > Formats. According to what you need and where you are going to diffuse it you can select multiple formats (Facebook Instagram, Linkedin …) or create a custom one : + Add new format > Custom dimensions

Then start designing your flyer by following the advices told earlier. You can change the background color, the text colors, the fonts, highlight the price …

When it is done you just have to click on Save & Exit so that you can choose the formats you want to import
Here it is ! Quick & easy, best thing is, it is also easy to automate. You can also use something like the Abyssale form to enable any real estate agent to create amazing flyers from a simple form :)
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