Bagelstein is a well-known restaurant chain specialized in bagels and mostly operating in France, Swiss and Denmark. While opening new restaurants throughout Europe, the Bagelstein team faced a major challenge: producing in-store advertising visuals that could be displayed on screens and personalized for each restaurant.

Each restaurant has the power to define its own selling prices, making it difficult to create visuals declined with different prices for each restaurant. In addition, visuals were subject to regular changes based on the products available in each selling point, requiring a regular follow-up of Bagelstein's graphic charter.

Using web to print

The first solution found by Bagelstein was to use a web to print tool. By taking a quick look at Bagelstein’s needs we can clearly see that a web to print solution wasn’t ideal.

This solution presented disadvantages, such as:

  • Using a tool not made for digital advertising (unnecessary printing elements)
  • Retrieving a file with a format especially made for printing
  • Requiring manual modification in case of errors
  • Thus, very time consuming!

Dynamic Image for the win

With around 87 restaurants in France (January 2022), Bagelstein needed a solution that could be scalable and easy to use.

Dynamic Image stood out as the best solution to their needs. It’s basically a generation method that allows you to create personalized images in no time.

Jean-Christian Trapp (artistic and technical director) and his team are in charge of creating the templates: they take product pictures, do the design of the visual and then integrate it into Abyssale.

Each time a restaurant needs new visuals for its products, this is how it goes:

  • The manager fills out an Airtable form where all the necessary information are collected (product name, price, etc...).
  • Thanks to our Airtable integration, as soon as a form is submitted a visual is generated using Dynamic Image and its URL parameters.
  • Finally, the visuals produced are made available on a dedicated platform. They’re then placed on a specific timeline, determining when they will be displayed on the restaurant’s screens!
bagelstein banners
Examples of visuals created by Bagelstein with Dynamic Image
“Creating dynamic visuals has never been this easy. I don’t need to ask a developer for help, and it doesn’t require any design skills”
Jean-Christian Trapp, artistic and technical director @Bagelstein

A faster visual production process

With Abyssale, Bagelstein was able to optimize its production of visuals for in-store advertising and process around 850 requests more quickly. The time needed to create a visual went from 5 minutes to only 30 seconds.

bagelstein abyssale results

Moreover, the production time decreased from 3 days to just 1 day, which freed up time for other important tasks. Abyssale allowed Bagelstein to have a reliable solution for creating its in-store advertising visuals quickly and easily.